A long-distance flight
A long-distance flight
Apart from squeezable ketchup bottles and post-its, flying is probably one of the coolest inventions ever: You get on a plane and a few hours later, set foot in a place where everything – from the language to the food, and the weather – is different. Depending on how long those “few hours” last, you will have to sit relatively still in a rather tight space for quite a while. Check out our 10 tips to make your next transcontinental or transoceanic journey fly by.
Take your luggage with youIf you’d like to look as if you’re a millionaire when you land, we advise packing the following items in your carry-on bag: a brush and toothpaste since brushing your teeth can make you feel more awake and rejuvenated and fresh. Also, a deodorant for the smell part, and a few lotion and lip balm to ensure that your skin looks radiant regardless of how dry or is or how bad the jet lag. Alongside the essentials for toiletries, be sure you’ve got an address book and a pen of the accommodation you’ll be living at (for one night only) to allow you to fill in all your forms of immigration without bothering with the airline attendants.
- Wear accessories and sleep
Increase your comfort level with earplugs and an eye mask and headphones that block noise. Alongside the neck cushion, it can help you relax, cuddle up to the extent that an economy seat can allow, and increase the chances of getting some sleep. If you’re not planning to fall asleep and concentrate on the tiny screen in the middle of your eyes…
- Take advantage of the entertainment
It’s a fast pace when you’re watching television shows and movies. Many airlines allow you to check out the movies available online, allowing you to decide on your entertainment plan or add it to an existing collection. Although movies are a great way to entertain and distract however, there is a chance that the entertainment system in your flight isn’t functioning: Always carry an alternative plan that includes books or computer game, films or even music, so you don’t experience the feeling of looking in the rear of your your seat for 8 hours.
- Be aware of the legroom
Carry-on luggage is fantastic. It’s great until you need to place it on the floor directly in front of you, and your legroom is practically non-existent. It is important to place everything inside the overhead compartment to allow you to stretch your feet and legs frequently and with some grace.
- Put on comfy clothes
The comfort factor is crucial when you travel for long distances, so wrap into layers of clothing which you’d use at home on an afternoon of relaxation. It’s the things like scarves, hoodies (that can double as a neck pillow or blanket) as well as additional socks that will keep you comfortable and warm. If you don’t want to arrive at your location in your pajamas, simply put a couple of non-airplane clothing in your carry-on luggage and change them after landing.
- Walk and stretch
The long hours of sitting are not just uncomfortable, but it could also lead to potentially dangerous blood clots. Make sure to get on your feet, move around or stretch muscles frequently as you can, while adhering to the rules for seatbelts Of course! Certain airlines recommend exercises in their inflight magazines or on one of the television channels. If you’re lacking any inspiration You can always turn your body around and tie your arms about you and stretch your legs. move your ankles and head or get up and bounce onto the tips of your toes.
- Rehydrate and hydrate.
Drink. A. Lot. Of. Water. The flight will make you dehydrated and you should drink more water than you would during your stay at ground level. Don’t delay until you’re thirsty, and must climb over fellow passengers to garner the attention of the flight crew. Instead, bring or purchase an reusable water bottle can be filled when you’ve cleared security. Then, add water on board. Beware of caffeinated drinks and alcohol, since they dehydrate your body and make it difficult to fall asleep. You are welcome to bring small snacks (fruit crackers, nuts, or fruit) so that you don’t feel hungry during meals.
- Make sure you are prepared before taking off
Relaxed and maybe even a bit tired is the ideal state for those who are preparing to travel for a long time: staying active and exercising prior to departure can help in the fatigue. Running madly to the airport isn’t what we are thinking about this time, rather doing some exercise or swimming in a few laps, or taking a walk or a stroll prior to departure can be a great way to get the job done. If you’re short on time to exercise, even walking around the airport can be helpful.
- Learn a few words in the local language
The process of learning a new language is not just a option to spend time with and help make the after-landing experience significantly simpler. You can read an ebook, save audio files to your phone or play video clips on your tablets, and meet the immigration officials taxi drivers, hotel receptionists as if you were a local. If one language isn’t enough of a problem you can try learning a few phrases in the native language of each country that you’re traveling over.
- Get together with your neighbors
Making a connection with the person sitting next to you may not always be successful but it’s worth trying as you never know who you’re sitting with and there’s a wealth of business relationships, friendships and travel plans are made in planes. After you’ve introduced yourself and even had a chat and asking for movies to watch or the cookies your neighbor isn’t eating becomes a lot easier.