Commercial Pilot Career Opportunities
So you’ve had your head down, bum up for what seems like forever, and now you’ve FINALLY achieved the golden ticket of Aviation – your…
Commercial Pilot Licence!
After many hoorahs it actually starts to sink it, you are now qualified to get paid to do what you love…fly.
But why haven’t you received a bazillion phone calls with job offers yet from Qantas, Virgin & some millionaire wanting you to fly their private jet for 200k a year?? Well. Doesn’t quite work like that unfortunately.
Your flight training is only the beginning. Say whahh?
So what jobs are available as a Pilot? What Piloting career options do you have as a Commercial Pilot immediately after your flight training?
And where to from there?
We’ve made it easy for you to have a quick sticky beak into what potential options there are – and trust us – this list is ever growing! We’re only scraping the surface here m’dear. Bear in mind – some of these options you may need additional qualifications and/or experience, it’s unlikely you’ll be a winner winner chicken dinner and walk straight into an major airline – although never say never!!
- Major Airline: the crème de la crème of Aviation professions and many Pilots dream career, becoming a commercial airline pilot and flying all over the world. Aloha Hawaii! Or maybe Bonjour de Paris?
- Regional Airline: Domestic commercial pilot
- Corporate Pilot: Generally speaking you’ll fly high end, corporate planes & jets for businesses or wealthy individuals – Take Jay Z from A to B.
- Cargo Pilot: Someone’s gotta deliver the mail!
- Charter Pilots: Not as glamorous as a Corporate Pilot, often referred to as an ‘Air Taxi’. Hopefully no ‘air ubers’ out there yet…
- Flight Instructor: Teach other people to get their wings! Great way to build hours working in a metropolitan area, rather than rural work. For example…Soar Aviation in Melbourne or Sydney…
- Ferry Pilots & Salesmen: You’ll get to fly shiny new aircraft (or maybe second hand ones with a bit of character!) to their new owners.
- Military Pilot: Uncle Sam wants YOU! RAAF here you come.
- Scenic Tour Pilot: Taking people on joy flights over B-E-A-UTIFUL attractions and tourist hot spots.
- Airshow Stunt Pilot: Backflips, racing, aerobatics and performing at shows and competitions. Doesn’t get any racier than this!
- Agricultural Pilot: Cruising over farmland and releasing chemicals to make them grow and GROW! Or sometimes pest control. Mix it up.
- Medical & Air Ambulance: Any kind of medical emergency, you’re on it. Life flight, organ deliveries, emergency rescues and the rest.
- Fire Fighting: It’s dangerous work putting out fires from the sky and can be long days, but definitely rewarding!
- Test Pilot: You know those crash test dummies that get mulched? Yep, that’ll be you! Just kidding
You’ll get to test and trial all different types of aircraft for the government, military – the list goes on!
- Law Enforcement Pilot: You’ve wanted to be on the show COPS before, right? Well, almost every law enforcement arm needs Pilots at a state and federal level.
- Banner Towing: Flying low and slow, you’ll get to tow “I love Lucy” and “Learn to Fly with Soar Aviation” ad banners for all to see.
- Media & Patrol Pilots: The journo of the sky! If you were a dibby dobber as a kid, you’ll nail it – flying around and reporting on traffic, police pursuits, etc.
- Photography Pilot: Are selfies your thing? Hopefully not, because you’ll be flying whilst someone else takes the pictures!
Achieving your Commercial Pilot Licence and completing your flight training is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding, things you will do.
Work hard at it and you’ll get rich while flying!