We have overcome countless challenges over the years as a leading aviation education organization operating in many countries and jurisdictions. We have to make sure that we can offer the best tools to our students at all times.
The principles of flying are the same today, but the environment in which a pilot operates is very different. The technology that powers aircraft operations is advancing at a faster pace than ever before. Compare a cockpit from today with one from 30 years ago, and you will see the difference.
What can an Ab Initio Training organization do?
We must first offer the most advanced aircraft for training, which can provide the pilot with the automation they will need to operate from the very beginning. We use a majority of Diamond Aircraft with Garmin G1000 Avionics at Airways Aviation. These aircraft are equipped with avionics that offer the latest technology and enhance situational awareness, comfort, and safety. These aircraft also use automatically controlled propellers that have blade geometries that offer low vibration and noise while still providing high performance. Diesel (Jet A1) engines offer low consumption, low emissions, and high performance.
We offer simulators to train students in emergencies and procedures that are not possible on an actual flight. Our network has 12 simulators, 5 of which are made by ALSIM – a French company that produces cost-effective and state-of-the-art technology training devices.
Assessment of the students is another key factor in successful training. The assessment will ensure that those who are unfit or unwilling to commit themselves to the training won’t be able to pass the stage. This increases the rate of success for the students. We use ADAPT, a tool for assessment, in all of our academies. It provides us with a psychological and psychometric evaluation, as well as technical knowledge. This allows us to make informed decisions about who we accept and don’t accept.
Students are provided with cloud-based apps or solutions that will support their training. These include PlanEnglish, which is a communications tool, and PadPilot, an eBook for ATPL with interactive content of the highest standard. Our own Moodle platform, with manuals and presentations created by our experienced instructors, complements all of this.
Students are provided with an iPad by Apple so that they can easily use all of these tools while in the ground school phase. Students are provided with a Foreflight account and a JeppView account once they reach the flight phase. This allows them to integrate their flight information and planning into the aircraft’s avionics.
FlightLogger is a cloud-based SaaS solution that allows us to plan all of our ground and flight training. It is easy to use and can connect easily with all of our locations.
Training records can be stored, performance tracked, and much more. It now also features live flight tracking through an integration with RadarBox. We can also easily extract data from ASA for our maintenance software SAM, allowing us to create digital technology.
We aim to use all of these tools to prepare our Ab Initio Cadet Pilots in the best way possible. This includes preparing them to not only fly using techniques and teaching that have been proven over time but also to be ready to meet the challenges that 21st-century commercial aviation will present to them, with the many new technologies being used. The combination of old knowledge and the latest technology that we use prepares our students for their professional careers as pilots.
What technology will we see in the future? What will technology bring us soon? We are already seeing a lot of reality. We wait eagerly to introduce the best tools available at any time.