The latest technology makes it easier for criminals to steal or crash
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Rachael Medhurst is not employed by, consult with, for any company, consult or own shares in or receive funds from any business or organization which could benefit from this article. She has disclosed no affiliations that go beyond their academic position.
A more advanced IoV will require more sensors and software, as well as other technologies, to be included in automobiles as well as the road infrastructure surrounding them. Automobiles already have more electronic devices than ever before, with everything from cameras to mobile phone connections to information systems.
But, some of these technologies could cause our vehicles to be vulnerable to theft and attack, since criminals can identify weaknesses with this technology. In reality, it’s already happening.
Security bypass
Smart keys are designed to guard modern vehicles against theft. The button on the key is pressed to turn off the vehicle’s ignition (an electronic gadget that prevents the vehicle from starting without the key) which allows the vehicle to drive.
However, one method to get around this is a hand-held relay tool that tricks the vehicle into thinking that the smart key is nearer to the vehicle than it actually is.
It is a two-person operation together, one at the car and the second near the location where the key is, for instance near the home of its owner. The person in the vicinity of the home uses the device, which can detect the signal coming from the key fob and transmit that signal back to the car.
Relay devices for committing this type of crime can be purchased online for under PS100. The majority of attempts are taking place in the evening. To guard against these types of thefts keys for cars, they can be stored inside the Faraday bag or cages to block any signal generated by keys.
Zero trust approach
With the threat of an outbreak of vehicle thefts, companies are looking for new methods to address this issue as fast as they can.
One method is to not trust any messages received by the vehicle known as”zero trust approach. “zero trust approach”. Instead, messages have to be transmitted and verified. One method to accomplish this is to install the device for security inside the vehicle, which functions by creating cryptographic keys that permit encryption and decryption of data, as well as verifying digital signatures within the messages.
This technique is increasingly being used by the auto industry to make new cars more secure. However, it’s not feasible to integrate it into vehicles that are already in use because of time and expense, and therefore, a lot of cars are still vulnerable to a CAN attack.
Infotainment system attacks
Another aspect of security for modern automobiles is the computer onboard that is often referred to as an ” infotainment system“. The possibility of vulnerability in the system is usually not considered, and yet it could result in catastrophic consequences to the car driver.
A good example is the possibility for hackers to make use of ” remote code execution” to send malicious software to the vehicle’s computer system. In an instance reported within the US, the infotainment system served as a way to connect attackers, and through this, they could install their own software. The system sent commands to the elements of the vehicle, like engines and wheels.
A cyberattack like this can alter the performance of the vehicle and cause the vehicle to crash. Therefore, it’s not just an issue of protecting personal information contained in information technology. These kinds of attacks could exploit a variety of weaknesses like the internet browser in the vehicle, USB dongles that are connected to it, and software that has to be upgraded to defend it against known threats as well as weak passwords.
So, every driver equipped with an infotainment system must be aware of the fundamental security features to guard themselves against attacks by hackers.