Technology ideas, but turn a blind eye to the genre’s social commentary

Military planning is a complicated endeavor, calling upon experts in logistics and infrastructure to predict resource availability and technological advancements. Long-range military planning, deciding what to invest in now to prepare armed forces for the world in thirty years’ time, is even more difficult. One of the most interesting tools for thinking about future defence technology isn’t big data forecasting […]

Land use changes in cities could have a positive or negative impact on the quality of our cities

Every change in transport technology – from horse carts to coal-powered trains to street cars to automobiles – has a great impact on our cities. So, what might autonomous-vehicle-induced changes look like? What will be the likely repercussions on mobility? Renting out road space to other uses In developed countries, road networks occupy on average 30 percent of the land area of […]

How one case of parental neglect lead to (hilariously painful) outcomes

In his previous films, he portrayed awkward teenagers ( The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day off, Uncle Buck , Plans, Trains and Automobiles ) or awkward adults ( Uncle Buck , Planes, Trains, and Automobiles ). There is also a franchise that features both groups ( National Lampoon’s Vacation). Home Alone, re-released in Australian cinemas to celebrate its 30th anniversary […]

The Italian Futurists and the Modernity of the 20th Century

The Future, an audio podcast by The Conversation. Gemma Ware is a society editor for The Conversation and producer of The Anthill. She interviewed Selena Daly, an expert in Italian Futurists. When the Italian journalist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti went off to the frontlines of World War I, he was thrilled to be pedaling there on a bicycle. Back in 1915, bikes were […]

Japan is not alone in its desire to warm up to Donald Trump

Donald Trump described the partial US-Japan trade agreement as a “very large trade deal.”” He even called it a “tremendous deal.”” The first agreement is a boost to the US president’s ongoing trade war against China as well as his reelection bid. The US has secured preferential access for US agricultural products to the Japanese market. This will provide an outlet for […]

Has spurred investment in air filtering for K-12 schools

 A survey on infrastructure reported that more than one-third of nearly 100,000 public school buildings in the U.S. need immediate upgrades to ventilation systems. These improvements are required in order to control indoor air pollution and the spread of “aerosols.” Aerosols are microscopic particles in the air that float both indoors and outdoors. Aerosols are constantly exhaled and inhaled by people, including […]

Cities must innovate to improve transportation to reduce emissions

In order to tackle the persistent challenge of reducing emissions from transportation, cities must rely on alternatives that do not require cars, such as active transportation and public transit. In order to take advantage of disruptive technologies in transportation, like ride-hailing applications, cities must also engage effectively with private companies. Urban pundits are divided on this issue. However, my research […]

The impact of the coronavirus on global economic growth

The virus continues to cause human suffering in China and elsewhere, but it also affects different industries. This causes uncertainty about the global economy as the virus reduces demand and disrupts supply. SARS vs. Covid-19 In the last 20 years, China has been infected by the coronavirus family twice. In 2002, the SARS outbreak claimed 800 lives and affected 8,000 […]

As the number of cars on U.S. roads decreases, it is time to rethink how we use our roadways

In March, when stay-at-home orders were implemented in many areas of the U.S., parking lots and streets seemed to disappear overnight. In just a few days, cities across the U.S. began repurposing these spaces for other purposes that better-suited people. Since I became a professor in environmental design and transportation, I have spent decades trying to understand the factors that keep people dependent on […]

Trends in Car Buying for 2023

The auto industry is still far behind in 2018. New 2019 models will soon be available, and customers will purchase cars. If you want to be unique, you’ll need to stay on top of the 2019 car buying trends. The new year brings new sales, and this is the perfect time to increase your sales. What are the 2019 car […]