Rushed Flight Contributed to Gulfstream G150 Runway Overrun
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) published its final report regarding an overrun on the runway on the 5th of May, 2021, at the airport of Ridgeland-Claude Dean (3J1) in South Carolina. The NTSB stated that the crash caused substantial damage to the airplane, which was a Gulfstream G150 registered to Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. Three crew members and two passengers on board were not hurt.
On a flight that took place from New Smyrna Beach Municipal Airport (KEVB) in Florida to Ridgeland in the United States, the headset voice recorder (CVR) recorded information that indicated that the captain in charge (PIC) was determined to complete the flight as swiftly as possible and arrive at the airport before another plane.
In the NTSB report, a person wanted to know the crew’s expected arrival time, and the PIC said, “I’ll speed up. I’ll be really fast here.” About a few minutes later, the second-in-command (SIC) reported that the plane’s speed was 300 knots and an altitude of 9000 feet. In the following few moments, crew members discussed ways to reduce the flight duration, according to the report. The pilots also pointed out that another plane was on the radio and was heading towards 3J1.
The PIC stated that the other plane’s expected arrival was at 10:33 local time, or two minutes earlier than the accident plane. The CVR and the PIC also recorded noting that the jet of the other could “slow to 250 knots below 10 feet and we would not. We are aware of what we’re doing this moment. The goal of our team is winning the race.” In the recording, SIC is heard to reply, “That’s right,” and the PIC declares, “This is NASCAR,” following which laughter can be heard in the tape.
At Ridgeland, The crew flew straight-in, visual approach to arrive in the middle of Runway 36. The plane was high-speed and high during its final landing, “as evidenced by the SIC’s airspeed callouts,” as per the NTSB report. The SIC demanded if S-turns were required, and the PIC said they weren’t.
It was discovered that the CVR recorded an audio voice that repeatedly “sink rate” and “pull-up” warnings throughout the final approach, signaling this approach wasn’t stable. The pilots continued to land and landed approximately 1,000 feet on the runway that measures 4,200 feet. The aircraft failed to stop on time, overran the runway, and came into a dry region about 400 feet further than the end of departure. The wings and fuselage sustained extensive damage, according to the NTSB.
The PIC reported that the aircraft’s engine brakes for wheels, thrust reversers, and ground brakes didn’t work after touchdown. However, evidence from witnesses and video showed that the thrust reversers were activated immediately after the touchdown. The skid marks on the tires indicated wheel brakes “occurred throughout the ground roll,” the report stated. NTSA stated that the brakes on the ground were not deployed, and the tests conducted to determine why were inconclusive.
The NTSB declared that the most likely reason for the accident was “the crew’s continued use of an insecure approach, as well as the failure of the air brakes on the ground to release upon touchdown and caused the runway to overrun. This was due to the crew’s desire and reaction to external pressures to complete the flight as swiftly as possible to accommodate passengers’ requests and also the decision to land on an accelerating tailwind that was greater than the limits of the aircraft.